Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Legend Reborn is a trading card game inspired by the popular anime series Yu-Gi-Oh!. In this program, you can face off against the computer, or your own friends, following the saga's original rules.
The game comes with more than 1,100 different cards, both familiar, like the white dragon with blue eyes or the dark mage, as well as fan-created. All of them can be seen in your card collection as you progress through the game and unlock more cards by winning battles.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Legend Reborn, you can build your own deck of cards. Once you've perfected your stack, it's time to show your skill and cunning on the mat. The basic rules of the game are, naturally, exactly the same as those you saw on the show.
Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Legend Reborn is a very complete trading card game, with an enormous amount of cards (more than a thousand) added to a single-player mode against a competent computer, and of course all of the charisma of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise.
I always liked the anime, I will also like the game.
very good game
it's a very good intellectual challenge
Hello, how do I set it to Spanish since it has the tools and voiceover?
Hey Rista, Xicko1 here, glad I could find your work again. I tried your last source, but apparently, it is not working anymore. Happy to find it again, keep up the fun :)
Very strong this game, respect to the guys